Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Buckeyes vs. Michigan Football.... Who would have guessed!!

Friday night Pete and I attended the Ohio State vs. Cleveland State Men's Basketball Game. It was held at St. Johns Arena, the old basketball facility. Great atmosphere and an easy win. We also met Joel and Jay at the game.

Following the game we went to a local pub on High Street with Joel and Jay.

And as if that wasn't enough of an evening, Pete and I, at 11:30 pm, decided to stop at Varsity Club for a beer... AND a 14" Deluxe pizza!!!!!

We got up early Saturday morning and headed to the stadium. (We had seen Jackie and John Burgan and their son Patrick and his wife at breakfast at the hotel, and offered to drive them to the campus too). We parked in the parking deck and had a few beers before the game.

Varsity Club on Lane

What an absolutely incredible, exciting and fun football game. 24-19 at halftime, but a final score of ... 62 - 39 

And then after the game, no one wanted to leave the stadium. They rushed the field and sang and danced.

An awesome day!!!!!

"Go Bucks"

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