Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Buckeyes vs. Indiana - October 6

On the way to Columbus Friday evening, Pete and I stopped at Cambridge, Ohio for a newly found brewery, Southside Brewing Company. It's located along side Georgetown Vineyards. We met Tom, Pete's son Joe's father in law there. Beautiful scenery, good beer and pizza, and good company.

When we arrived in Columbus Friday night we received a text, caught an Uber and met Jeff and Sharon at the local Italian Festival.  Wow, nice warm evening, so a great crowd. We even ran into Bill and Bill Sperlazza and shared a cannoli with them.

Saturday morning we met Jeff and Sharon at the North Market for a pastry and a beer at 10 a.m. We later drove down to campus around noon. Game time temperature was 86 degrees!! Not bad for October.

Bill and Bill Sperlazza, Gabe and Luke, and Greg Faunda and his son stopped by and had a beer with us at the Northwest Parking Deck, where we park each week.

After a good victory, Pete and I went to Champs for a sandwich and a beer.

ANOTHER Great Weekend!!!

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