Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November 18!!!!

Well, the Buckeye 4 headed to Columbus for The Game...we arrived at 7:45 a.m. and our "normal" parking lot was already "Full"! We eventually found our way to Hineygate where The Danger Brothers started playing at 11:00 a.m. (4 1/2 hours before game time!!) Hineygate was taken to a level that we normally don't see in most post game was one fun and crazy atmosphere...

We had fun at Hineygate ...HOWEVER... only one of us was in the Horseshoe to see the game...with ticket prices and availability the way it was...three of us (and I hate to admit this!!)ended up driving back to our hotel to watch the game. (One of us, went kicking and screaming...really wishing to stay and watch the game with some of the other 100,000 fans who had no tickets but were going to stay and watch it somewhere on campus)

Two outstanding runs by Beanie Wells and Antonio Pittman were instrumental in the outcome.

Photo by Chris Russell/Dispatch

Photo by Neal C. Lauron/Dispatch

Ohio State 42 Michigan 39

Go Bucks!!! Beat Michigan!!!!

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