Friday, December 06, 2013

Great Weekend

What a weekend!!!... 45 Buckeye Fans met at Independence, Ohio, boarded a bus and drove to Ann Arbor on Friday night. Friday night we went down to the Detroit Greektown Casino... and ... then got tickets to the Elton John concert at the Joe Louis Arena. Back to the hotel by 11:30.

Saturday morning had breakfast at the hotel, boarded the bus at 7:15 a.m. and headed to the stadium. Our bus parked one block from the stadium. Before the game, on a brisk bur sunshiny day, we toured the stadium area, watched the Buckeyes arrive by bus to the stadium with a police escort, ate and drank at the bus, and then were treated ted to a "classic" rivalry game.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Another Good Weekend...

Another busy weekend...
Stopped at Troutman Winery on drive down to Columbus on Friday. Met Sharon and Jeff at Arch City in the Short North and then ended the evening at Drake Brothers Meadery. Tom also stopped at the Meadery.

Great Saturday... Cold... but nice social at a hospitality tent... to the Varsity Club and the Danger Brothers and then to the game. Because of Don's connections, and his willingness to share, Pete, Jeff, Ken and I  had seats in 14 AA...

... three rows from the field...

Braxton Scores!!


... And then the SNOW arrives !!

"Go Bucks!"

Thanks, Don,  for the seats!!! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

vs Illinois

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Buckeyes vs. Iowa

Another good weekend...
On Friday night, Pete and I met up with Jeff and Sharon, along with Pete's cousins, Tom and Tina and we went to the Hubbard Grill in the Short North for supper and a drink. Really had a good time!! GOOD people!!!

On Saturday, it rained right up until game time and so we never made it to  the Varsity Club or to Riverwatch. We pretty much stayed in the parking deck with friends that stopped by.

NO rain for the game... and one exciting game!! We played really poorly first half, but came back strong both offensively and defensively.

Here are the Buckeyes as they come out on the field.

... the team sings the alma mater in front of the south stands.

On Sunday morning, we met up with son Ryan, and Dan. We then went over to Nationwide and High Street to watch my daughter in law complete the 1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles) at the 34th Annual Nationwide Children's Hospital Marathon. What a great event!!!

Congratulations Danielle and Mike!!!!
GREAT Job!!!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Sunday, October 06, 2013

vs. Wisconsin

Last weekend, we headed to Columbus for a Saturday night game.
Friday night we went to the OSU Girls Volleyball Game vs. Michigan. Enjoyed the calibre of play and the Buckeyes were victorious. Joe's brother, Don, flew in from Omaha and spent Friday and Saturday with us.

 A great crowd at the volleyball game

On Saturday, we were on campus by 1:00. We started by going to the Student Union to have lunch and watch football games. What an outstanding facility!

Here we are at the pre game activities at the Varsity Club with the Danger Brothers. 

Heading to the game... along with the Goodyear Blimp

With traffic and all...We got back to the hotel around 2 a.m.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Columbus ... to Cincinnati ... to Columbus

Last Friday night, Pete, Joe and I headed to Columbus. We again met up with our Columbus friends, Jeff and Sharon. We went to the Knead Restaurant on High Street. From there we went to MoJo's and then Joe and I walked up to the Arch City Tavern and eventually The Brothers Drake Meadery.

On Saturday, Pete got ready for the OSU vs Florida A&M game and Joe and I headed to Cincinnati for the Octoberfest.  Joe and I met up with Jeff, Ken, Kevin and Rick in Cincinnati and had a GREAT time at the Annual Octoberfest. Jeff was able to get us VIP passes to the Samuel Adams area. 

"The guys" with Jim Koch.
Jim Koch is the co-founder and chairman of the Boston Beer Company, the producers of Samuel Adams.

Cincinnati at night 

... Then, on Sunday morning, Joe and I drove back to Columbus to pick up Pete for our return trip home.

Oh Yea... by the way - 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Game 2 vs San Diego State

Pre-Game Walk Around "the Shoe"

The Alumni Band and the OSU Band perform Script Ohio (times 4)


Monday, September 02, 2013

Another season begins...

Pete and I headed to Columbus on Friday for the first game of the 2013 season.
On Friday evening we hooked up with some Columbus friends who live in the Short North District. Sharon and Jeff took us up the Short North and we stopped for a drink at Arch City Tavern, Barrel 44 Whiskey Bar, North High Brewing and Brothers Drake Meadery. GREAT time and some outstanding restaurants / bars that we would have never found without their guidance.

Pre-game Script Ohio !!!

And the season begins!!!

After the game on Saturday, we again met Sharon and Jeff at the Greek Festival being held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral downtown.


"The Duke and Duchess of the Short North"

Yes.... Another GREAT Weekend !!!!